The Society for Organic Petrology
AASP-The Palynological Society
The International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology
September 18 – 23, 2016
Houston, Texas USA
Program overview and full program
The following registration fees have been finalized for the meeting:
Full 5-day Registration:
Professionals: Early Bird (before Aug. 1st) US$300
Professionals: After Aug 1st US$350
Students: US$250
3-day Registration:
Professionals: Early Bird US$225
Professionals: After Aug 1st US$275
Students: US$175
1-day Registration:
Professionals: Early Bird US$100
Professionals: After Aug 1st US$150
Students: US$75
Registration fees include access to all technical sessions and Icebreakers, an Abstracts Volume and a Meetings goodies bag. Please note it does NOT include the respective Society Business Luncheons, Wednesday Evening Conference Dinner, Saturday Short Course, and Field trips.
To Register for the meeting and make payment, click here
The Magnolia Hotel in downtown Houston will be our host for the meeting. It is centrally located and offers access to world-class restaurants and numerous other eating and drinking establishments. Our current negotiated room rate at The Magnolia hotel is US$179/night (single occupancy). Double- and triple- occupancy will be priced accordingly. This room-rate includes: FREE in-hotel/in-room Wifi; Complimentary hot breakfast; Late afternoon happy hour (complimentary beer/wine); Complimentary evening cookie buffet; Reduced valet parking fees
To make a reservation at The Magnolia Hotel associated with the meeting, please follow this link.
Further details on hotel accommodations can be found at the hotel website. We will alert everyone when the accommodations website is ready.
Please download TSOP-AASP-ICCP Abstract Submission Form_April 2016 (shown below).
Please send all Abstracts to Thomas Demchuk at
Format |
Bold, first word and proper nouns capitalized only
Centered 14 pt. Font size
Oral or Poster |
Corresponding Authors |
An Authora and Another Authorb (initials closed up if, for example, J.B. Smith)
Centered 12 pt. Font size
Name, phone, email |
Affiliation |
aDepartment, University, City, Country; bDepartment, University, City, Country +any extra affiliation address information given by the authors (e.g. street address, postcode, zip code) Centered 12 pt. Font size |
Abstract | Type your abstract here.
Indent new paragraphs; no more than 750 words. right justified 12 pt. Font size |
Keywords (up to 7) | Keywords: word; another word; lower case except names.
Right justified 12 pt. Font size |
Session | Symposium, Theme Session or General Session |
Font | Times New Roman |
Line Spacing | Single-Spaced |
Images | Please no images |
File Format | Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx); Rich Text Format (.rtf); or PDF (.pdf) |
After considerable discussion, a number of integrated Symposia and Theme Sessions have been finalized. These will include:
1. Microscope Methodologies in Recognizing and Characterizing Organic Microporosity (Joint TSOP/ICCP Theme Session: Monday PM)
Keynote Speaker: Brian Cardott (Oklahoma Geological Survey)
2. Palynofacies and Kerogen (Joint TSOP/ICCP/AASP Theme Session: Tuesday PM)
Keynote Speakers: Geoff Clayton (Trinity University)
João Graciano Mendonça Filho (Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
3. Multi-modal Characterization of Source Rocks, including Source-Rock Reservoirs (Joint TSOP/ICCP/AASP Symposium: Wednesday All-Day)
Keynote Speakers: Richard Tyson (Getech)
Hamed Sanei (Geological Survey of Canada)
Cortland Eble (Kentucky Geological Survey)
4. Palynofloral Contributions to Source Rocks (AASP/TSOP/ICCP Theme Session: Thursday AM)
Keynote Speaker: Kara Bogus (IODP)
5. Alfred Traverse Symposium (Thursday PM)
Keynote Speaker: Fred Rich (Georgia Southern University)
6. Guest Lecture on Forensic Palynology to open the Friday AM general session.
Keynote Speaker: Andrew Laurence (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)
It is the pleasure of the Organizing Committee to present an all-day pre-meeting short course entitled, “Integration of Microscopy and Geochemistry in Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation”. The course will be taught by Dr. Richard Tyson (Getech, UK). The course will be presented in a classroom setting, and will emphasize the integration of microscopy and geochemistry to better understand and characterize source rocks in both conventional and unconventional exploration. The interpretation of both palynofacies and organic petrological data will be discussed. The cost for this full-day Short Course will be US$250 for professionals, and US$200 for students. This will include all class materials, lunch and coffee breaks through the day. At this time the class is limited to 40 people and a percentage of the attendance will be reserved for students. Attendance will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Friday-Sunday Pre-Meeting Field Trip: This 2+ day field trip will visit Eagle Ford Formation outcrops in west Texas, and will be led by Barry Wawak (Manager of Reservoir Geology, Core Laboratories Houston). The field trip will depart on the afternoon of the Friday prior to the meeting, and return by Sunday late afternoon or early evening. The Eagle Ford Formation is a world-class source-rock reservoir resource in the subsurface of south Texas, and the accompanying strata have been researched extensively in stratigraphic, geochemical and biostratigraphic studies.
The cost for this fieldtrip will be US$550 and will include the field guide, transportation by vans, two nights of accommodation, and two lunches. Dinners for the two evenings will be at the expense of the individual. The fieldtrip is not strenuous as most outcrops are along the highway, or a short distance from well-kept roads. Hiking boots and proper field equipment will be required. Safety equipment (hard hats, safety vests) will be provided.
Saturday Post-Meeting Field Trip: This will be a one-day excursion to Cretaceous through Eocene strata of east-central Texas. These strata are equivalent to the important Wilcox Formation that forms major reservoirs in the subsurface of the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. The field trip will leave early Saturday morning from the Hotel, and return early evening back to Houston. Final details of both field trips will be presented in upcoming Newsletters and on the respective Society websites.
The cost for this fieldtrip will be US$80 and will include the field guide, transportation by vans, and lunch. The fieldtrip is not strenuous as most outcrops are a short distance from well-kept roads. Hiking boots and proper field equipment will be required. Safety equipment (hard hats, safety vests) will be provided.
Conference Dinner: (Not included in Registration Fee) A conference dinner has been finalized for the Wednesday evening at the nearby Sambuca Café, a couple blocks walk from The Magnolia Hotel, located in the historic Rice Hotel. The Sambuca Café is well-known for its vibrant music scene and excellent food. The evening will include two free drinks, appetizers, and a three-course meal in a designer atmosphere, with live music for your listening enjoyment. Our special events area will allow access to an outdoor patio to allow for quiet conversation. The conference dinner will be US$75 per person.
Monday PM Icebreaker: The Monday evening Icebreaker will take place on the rooftop patio of The Magnolia Hotel (weather permitting). The patio offers a great view of the Houston downtown skyline and sunset. (Included in Registration)
Tuesday PM Happy Hour (TSOP/ICCP): On the Tuesday late afternoon, a Happy Hour will accompany an opportunity to view the posters that will be part of the technical aspect of the meeting. Drinks and finger food will be served and there will be sufficient opportunity to chat with authors about their poster displays. (Included in Registration)
Thursday PM Happy Hour (AASP/ICCP): A Thursday late afternoon Happy Hour will allow folks to enjoy the AASP poster sessions as part of the technical aspect of the meeting. Drinks and finger food will be served and folks will be encouraged to mingle with the authors and discuss their poster displays. (Included in Registration)
In addition to all these events, attendees will have sufficient opportunity to enjoy the Houston downtown with its numerous world-class restaurants, and abundant drinking establishments.
Along with the technical and social activities, the respective Societies will have their necessary Board of Directors meetings, and Business Luncheons. The current schedule includes:
ICCP Council Meeting: Sunday September 18th 16:00-21:00
TSOP Council Meeting: Sunday September 18th 17:30-21:00
TSOP/ICCP Business Luncheon: Tuesday September 20th 12:00-14:00
TSOP Council Meeting: Tuesday September 20th 19:00-21:00
AASP-TPS Outgoing Board Meeting: Tuesday September 20th 19:00-22:00
ICCP Council Meeting: Thursday September 22nd 18:00-21:00
AASP-TPS Business Luncheon: Friday September 23rd 11:30-13:30
AASP-TPS Incoming Board Meeting: Friday September 23rd 17:00-18:30
A special rate has been negotiated with Super Shuttle for transportation to/from both Houston airports to the downtown Magnolia Hotel. To take advantage of this special rate for shuttle service, please click the link below and make your reservation for transportation.
The local Organizing Committee consists of Thomas Demchuk (RPS), Jen O’Keefe (Morehead State U.), Thomas Gentzis (Core Laboratories) and Joe Curiale (Independent). We look forward to a great joint meeting in September of 2016.
If you should have any questions regarding the meeting, you may send an e-mail to