The objective of the AASP Foundation is to further the science of palynology to a wider audience, through promotion, assistance, encouragement, support, and furtherance of studies and research in the field of palynology, including the dissemination of information related to palynology, primarily through publications and continuing education.
Our publications are increasingly available digitally, and the future of the AASP Foundation Contributions Series will be wholly digital.

Palynology: Principles and Applications
The classic compendium in 3 volumes.
Now available as PDF.
Pollen and Spores
Ronald O. Kapp‘s classic compendium
2014, 2nd Ed.
The bestselling compendium. Available as PDF & Hardcopy.

Submissions are welcome. To contact the foundation send an email to
AASP Foundation Trustees
Chairman & Treasurer

Thomas Demchuk
PetroStrat, Inc.
(USA, TX, Houston)

David Pocknall
Consultant biostratigrapher
(USA, Texas)

Robert Fensome
Geological Survey of Canada
Publications Production

Jen O’Keefe
Morehead State University
(USA, Kentucky)

Julia Gravendyck
Bonn University