Student travel awards

Are awarded for travel to the Palynological Society’s Annual Meetings

AASP – The Palynological Society has announced its Student Travel Awards program for 2025. Applications are due by January 15, 2025. These awards are designed to support travel for student members who intend to present a talk or poster at the 57th Annual Meeting in Rabat, Morocco, April 22-26 2025.

The amount of funding awarded to successful applicants varies and is based on their needs.

Application procedure

Please download the application form here

Part A of this form is to be completed by the student, and Part B by the student’s faculty supervisor. Applications must be accompanied by a photograph of the student (*.jpeg format) for publication in the society’s newsletter.


The applicant’s supervisor must submit both parts A and B  either as Word or PDF file to                                            

Awards Committee Chair:
Marie L. Thomas, Ph.D. (Houston, USA)

Please ensure that you have completed both parts A and B of this application form.

Applications are due by January 15, 2025.
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. As per society awards policy, only students who are registered AASP – TPS members are eligible to apply. Applications from non-members will not be accepted.

 Join The Palynological Society

We are requiring a detailed budget in your application. Please thoroughly research all expenses associated with travel to Morocco. including visas, travel documents (passports), vaccinations, transportation (airfare and ground transportation), hotels/lodging, and meals. Applications without an itemized budget will be rejected.

Please keep in mind when applying for a visa that it can be a timely process and if you plan on attending the conference, we encourage you to start as soon as possible.